Sunday 3 January 2016

Yellow teeth occur due to a variety of causes that make the natural whiteness of teeth enamel fade and become discolored. Factors such as smoking, drinking too much coffee, or simply the effects of aging all lead to the ugly yellow color that so many people are trying so hard to get rid of. Because the yellow color is actually a stain, it can be very hard to fight. Until now. You no longer have to suffer with the embarrassment and diminished confidence that comes as a result of yellow teeth. Presenting teeth whitening gel/pen. It is safe,natural,comfortable with no side effects,super results in one use, more They are also giving out a mouth-watering promo: "Order a Three-Month Supply of Idol White today and get three more months absolutely free. Plus, you'll be enrolled in our Free Unlimited Refill program that allows you to get a fresh supply of Idol White whenever you want" ORDER NOW

Wednesday 23 December 2015

Read these fascinating, bizarre, and pretty neat factoids about your girls… Women Are Buying Bigger Bras The average woman says she now wears a 34DD-sized bra, according to data from lingerie retailer Intimacy. That's up from a 34B 20 years ago! (To put that into perspective, that's the same band measurement, but about 8cms bigger around the fullest part of the chest.) You're Still Probably Wearing the Wrong Size About 85 percent of women are, according to Intimacy data. So grab some measuring tape to figure out your correct size, or get a bra fitting with an expert. Most Women Aren't Happy with Their Breasts Seventy percent are down on their girls, according to research published in the International Journal of Sexual Health. Of course, most men had no complaints. Breast Action Turns You On Eighty-two percent of women say boob-play gets them aroused (or more aroused than when the girls don't get any action), according to a 2006 study. It's Normal for Them to Hurt While Exercising In fact, almost one in three marathon runners experiences breast pain, according to a recent study. After All, Breasts Can Move A Lot So get this: When you run, the twins do, too – in a sort of figure-eight shape. And they can travel 20 centimetres according to research out of the UK. All the more reason to wear a supportive sports bra. .
Many women, post child, birth end up with loose vagina. No matter how hard they try to avoid it, it still occurs and ends up affecting a woman's self esteem. Physically it might not be harmful since it is very natural for the body to be the way it is after child birth. It creates a series of problems which a woman might not anticipate. She will notice a change in her sex life, and this change is nothing positive. In short, the sex life will become very boring and uninteresting. If a woman does not do anything to stop or cure her loose vagina then eventually the condition will worsen with time and it will be too late later on for any kind of cure. There are many remedies for those who really want to do something about their loose vagina. I this article I would like to give some options that will help in tightening the vagina and put it back to its normal condition. The very first option is surgery, but I don't think it is safe at all. If you want to risk the many side effects and cuts plus stitches then you are free to get ahead with this method. It takes a lot of time to heal after the surgery and women have to be very careful post the surgery. It is too demanding physically and might cause pain during intercourse. The second one is using creams and sprays that are made of natural herbs. The formulations of such creams are totally natural which possess ample properties for skin tightening. It is because of the affordable price plus easy usage that these creams are increasingly becoming popular among women who no longer have a tight vagina. Herbs such as manjikani and aloe contain flesh tightening properties that are mainly utilized in preparing such vaginal creams. They are even used in creams for anti-aging. Why I recommend these creams is because they have no side effects at all and improve the overall health. It is so easy to use these creams and hence they are so popular among women. One can apply the cream a few minutes before sex on the vagina and let it dry. This results in a tighter vagina while having sex and both partners can feel the tightness during penetration. Regular usage of the cream will let your vagina get back to the original tight version. In just 3 months you will get what you want and without any fear of harmful effects. One more added advantage of these creams is that you can get rid of vaginal odor plus dryness in vagina along with a tighter vagina. So we present to you : V-TIGHT GEL. V-Tight is an all-natural vaginal tightening gel and exercise program that can help women reverse the loss of elasticity from childbirth, hormonal changes, and aging. Be tighter than ever naturally, without surgery or drugs. V-Tight Gel's active ingredient, Manjakani Extract, has been used for centuries by women in Eastern Cultures to restore their vaginal tightness. Order Now By Clicking Image Below .

Tuesday 22 December 2015

Your pee says a lot about your health!
Here's how to know what it's telling you…

You're probably downing more water than you need. In rare cases, overhydrating can be fatal, so see your doc if you've been downing loads, fast (say, during a high-intensity activity) and you have muscle cramps, fatigue, nausea or confusion.

You're perfectly hydrated. Good going!

Drink a glass of water ASAP. If a brown hue persists, see a doctor – it could be a sign there's a problem with your kidneys or liver.

Crazy colours are usually the result of meds or food dyes. If you're not on new meds, you see orange for more than two days or you also have light-coloured poo, go see your GP to rule out liver disease.

If you haven't been munching beetroot, blackberries or rhubarb, your GP will want to test your urine. Blood can indicate kidney disease, kidney stones, a UTI, or even bladder or kidney cancer.

Food (asparagus, garlic, coffee) and meds can temporarily make your yellow smell less mellow. But get checked out if your stench is often sweet, which can indicate diabetes, or foul (think pond scum), which may be your sole red flag for a UTI.

Foamy bubbles can signify protein in the urine, an early sign of kidney disease.

Monday 21 December 2015

We all get frustrated at trying to get a lasting solution to excess fats and calories,well look no further. We compiled 5 foods that will do the task without affecting your eating life.

1. Hazelnuts
The smoky nuts are loaded with monounsaturated fats that can help blast belly blub. They also contain ample fiber, folate, and potassium.

2. Eggs
Two have nearly a quarter of the satiating protein you need in a day—one reason research shows that eating eggs in the a.m. = eating less all day long.

3. Salmon
This rich protein has the power to fill you up, thanks to plenty of healthy fats that also pack metabolism-boosting omega-3's.

4. Cucumbers
More than 90 percent water, cukes are great for beating bloat or when you want a crunchy snack for next-to-no calories.

5. Strawberries
A recent study found that munching on these berries instead of other sweets led people to eat an average of 134 fewer calories at their next meal.

Have a nice time trying

Our bodies contain the same concentration of minerals and nutrients as sea water, so it's no wonder that sea salt is a natural ally to balance, protect, and restore the body and skin.
One of the major differences between sea salt and ordinary salt is the mineral content: Sea salt is laden with minerals, including magnesium, calcium, sodium, and potassium, all of which play a key role in our skin's health, function, and cellular communication. When your skin's mineral balance is off-kilter, symptoms such as dryness, dullness, irritation, and blotchiness ensue, especially as the colder, dryer weather sets in. Bringing sea salt from the kitchen into your beauty routine can help balance and improve hydration, strengthen the protective barrier of our skin, and kick-start the cell-to-cell communication signals that slow down with age.
1. Balancing Mask
Both salt and honey have anti-inflammatory properties to soothe skin and calm breakouts and irritation. They also help to balance oil production and retain hydration in the layers of skin where it's needed most.
Try it: Mix two teaspoons sea salt (preferably finely ground) with four teaspoons raw honey to create a spreadable paste. Apply evenly to clean, dry skin, avoiding eye area. Let stand for 10 to 15 minutes. Before rinsing, soak a washcloth in very warm water, and gently wring out. Lay the warm washcloth on your face for 30 seconds. Use your fingers to gently exfoliate in a circular motion while rinsing your skin thoroughly with tepid water. Follow with your usual skin-care routine.

2. Oil-Sapping Facial Toner
Salt helps to cleanse pores deeply, balance oil production and thwart bacteria that can instigate breakouts and acne.
Try it:Mix one teaspoon sea salt with four ounces of warm water in small spray bottle until salt is dissolved. Mist on clean, dry skin, avoiding eyes. Use daily or twice daily.

3. Softening Body Scrub
Salt is a gentle natural exfoliate that sloughs off dead skin. It also has minerals to soften skin and restore hydration.
Try it:Mix a quarter-cup salt and a half-cup olive oil or softened coconut oilinto a thick paste. If desired, add 10 drops of your favorite essential oil. Apply in the shower with a washcloth, loofah, or the palms of your hands, gently scrubbing your skin in a circular motion.

4. Rejuvenating Scrub
Salt is a skin-softening exfoliant that restores skin. Aloe vera hydrates, heals, and aids skin cell turnover, while lavender is a natural antiseptic that increases circulation.
Try it:Mix together a half-cup salt, a quarter-cup pure aloe vera juice or gel, a quarter-cup oil (your choice!), one tablespoon dried lavender flowers, and 10 drops essential oil of lavender. The resulting mixture should form a thick paste; if it's too dry, add a few extra drops of oil. Apply in the shower with a washcloth, loofah, or the palms of your hands, gently scrubbing your skin in a circular motion.

5. Relaxing Salt Bath
Salt absorbs dirt, grime, and toxins and cleanses your skin's pores deeply. Salt's mineral content helps restore the protective barrier in skin and helps it hold hydration. You may notice that your skin won't wrinkle or prune after a good, long soak in salted water, which is evidence that a salt bath helps your skin retain its moisture. The magnesium in sea salt may also help reduce water retention (i.e., bloating) in the body.
Try it:Add one-third cup salt to a tub filled with warm water, and swish to dissolve the salt. Soak for 15 to 30 minutes.

Your take now.
We Take A Deep Glance Through Women's Health And Needs. We are concerned about the state of our women,especially in the health sector. We therefore offer advices,tips and even health products that are of women benefits.

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